Hire freelance Speech Writers

Find skilled Speech Writers for your business or project.
Hire freelance Speech Writers

Our advantages

Artificial Intelligence
Specially trained artificial neural network analyzes all the parameters and picks the best Freelancers specifically for your Task

Artificial Intelligence

Secure payments
Your payment will be transferred to the Freelancer only after you confirm the Task completion

Secure payments

Refund guarantee
You can always get a refund, if the work performed does not meet your requirements

Refund guarantee

Reliable Freelancers
Freelancers get access to the Tasks only after they have successfully passed a complex testing and fulfilled all the necessary requirements

Reliable Freelancers

How it works?

Create a Task ✏️

Describe your Task in detail

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We select for you only those Freelancers, who suit your requirements the most

Pay at the End 🎉

Pay only when the Task is fully completed

How it works?

Create a Task ✏️

Describe your Task in detail

Quick Search ⏰

We select for you only those Freelancers, who suit your requirements the most

Pay at the End 🎉

Pay only when the Task is fully completed

Speech Writers — Tasks examples

Make a sales pitch as described
Time Search Candidate
Lead time
Immense pleasure working with Abraham! Professional and very diligent with the quality and deadlines. Great academic help, as well as graphic design!
Task Description
1 day
40 sec
make a sales pitch as described in the file attached.
verbal presentation, no presentation needed - just content for the pitch
rubric attached for reference

Make a sales pitch as described

Presentation to a public audience
Time Search Candidate
Lead Time
The work was done promptly. Standard is good and slides look professional and attractive.
Task Description
1 day
32 sec
I have to make a presentation to a public audience.
Please help me improve the power point slides that I have prepared.
Make them more professional and more attractive.

Presentation to a public audience

Сlosing statement for a sales pitch
Time Search Candidate
Lead Time
The work was done promptly. Thank you!
Task Description
21 hours
54 sec
I need a short 3-5 minute closing statement for a sales pitch I am presenting with my account team at BlueCross BlueShield Nebraska where I am employed. We are presenting the annual health renewal for our client Vetter Senior Living in Elkhorn Nebraska. I need to speak to our two companies Mission, Vision and company Values and how they are so closely related. You can find the company mission and company values on the website for each company.

Сlosing statement for a sales pitch

How to Find and Hire Great Speech Writers

If you need to communicate your thoughts and make an impression on your audience, hiring a freelance speech writer is the best option for you.

Yet, how does one know which speechwriter is perfect for hire? Here’s a short guide on how to choose the best speech writing services on Insolvo.

How to spot the best fit speech writer

As you get bids for your task on Insolvo, you’ll have to evaluate potential candidates to choose the speech writer you wish to hire. To get this done just take a look at some basics:
  • Language proficiency. It’s important for writers to follow grammatical rules, dictionary terms, and style standards. If a writer lacks these skills, it may leave a poor impression in the eyes of your audience.
  • Industry experience. You need a savvy, professional ghostwriter who’s passionate about your speech topic, as they can transform your thoughts into original texts. It’ll also be easier for you to find the ideal speech writer by checking their writing samples and portfolio.
  • Rating system to your advantage. Always go back and read recent reviews. Have previous customers been satisfied with this ghostwriter's services? Make sure to study customer feedback which can provide details of a freelancer's ability to deliver written speech on time, build a relationship with a client, and achieve desired results.

Creating a clear job description for a speech writer

Provide as many details as possible so that the speech writer fully understands your ideas and project needs.
Presenting a straightforward and clear job description is the key to effective freelance hiring.

  1. Define project scope. It will be easier for a freelancer to effectively understand the project milestones and know what difficulties to expect.
  2. Specify the speech length and when your project should be completed.
  3. Determine the skill sets and qualifications you’re looking for in ghostwriting candidates. Each writer will have their own background and industry knowledge.
  4. Set the project budget: is it fixed or subject to change?

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